How to create a Blog.
You want to write about something fascinating, you want to share your knowledge with the world, but you don’t know where to start.
Well since you already have WordPress and Genesis framework/child theme installed, you can easily start your own Blog.
Creating a blog is easier than you think.
The first step you need to do is to create a page called Blog.
Go to Pages – Add New and name your page Blog, then you need to choose a template (change Default Template to Blog) and then click Publish.
Second step is to add just created page (Blog) to your menu.
Go to Appearance – Menus and add your freshly created sub-page to menu.
And now it is time to start writing Posts and shearing your wisdom with the world. Be creative, don’t let anything or anybody to stop you !!!
Go to Posts – Add New create a title and unleash your imagination, write what ever is you desire.
And if you want to create categories for your posts:
+ Add New Category (to the right), name it (lets say Vegetarian recipes) and click Add New Category. And now all of your vegetarian recipes will be under the same Category (just remember to mark Vegetarian recipes category).
You are a Blogger NOW !!! What will you write about?