This question was answered many times already on many blogs and websites.
And I will do it Again.
It’s fairly easy to do, there’s no need of knowing any of this fancy words like HTML or CSS or even PHP. It’s simple as installing any other program on your computer you just need to follow the instructions and everything is going to be all right. But let’s start from the beginning.
3. 2. 1. WordPress Start
First what you need is to buy hosting; you can go with big box providers like GoDaddy or HostMonster this are the ones that you hear about on TV and radio. But what about others, are there any others providers? The answer is YES. You can find many names like Hostgator, justhost, Blue Host, A Small Orange and many more. Most of them if not all of them have option of “1 – Click Script Install” what it means is that by clicking WordPress you can install it automatically.
There are also hosting providers whose hosting comes with WordPress pre-install like Web Synthesis which focuses only on websites build on WordPress. It gives you great security and peace of mind, also if all of the sudden traffic on your site increase because of a great post you wrote, you don’t have to worry that it will go dark.
1.WordPress Download.
a)After you chose Hosting Provider, it’s time to install WordPress.
If there’s “1 – Click Script Install” you can skip it but if not you go to and click Download WordPress.
b)Unpack and copy all of the files to your server (all files must be in main directory).
How to copy it to your server? Use program called FileZilla (it’s free and easy to use) or through your server provider FTP File Manager.
2.Creating Database.
Before we will proceed with WordPress installation we need to create Database. Go to your hosting account to create MySQL Database and Add New:

- Database Name: (You can name it whatever you want)
- Database User Name:
- Database Password:
- You will need all this information to go forward with the installation of WordPress.
Go to your favorite browser and type in your website name, and there it is your WordPress Installation. Now you will need all of the information from your Database:

- DatabaseName:
- User Name:
- Password:
- Database Host:(if localhost doesn’t work you will need to contact your hosting provider)
- Table Prefix:(Leave it like it is)

After you enter all the information (correctly) WordPress will ask you to Run the Installation
Now fill up the Information Needed, click Install WordPress and Voila.
Go to log in to WordPress and there you go!
You just successfully installed WordPress on your site.
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